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Marguerite L Whitley

OJ Simpson's First Wife: Marguerite Whitley

A Life Beyond the Spotlight

While O.J. Simpson's name often evokes images of the infamous 1995 murder trial, behind the headlines was a lesser-known figure: his first wife, Marguerite Whitley. Their marriage, spanning from 1967 to 1979, produced three children and played a pivotal role in shaping Simpson's early life.

A Quiet Life in the Shadows

Unlike her famous ex-husband, Marguerite Whitley chose a life outside the public eye. Her early life remains shrouded in mystery, and she rarely granted interviews or made public appearances.

A Supportive Ex-Wife

Despite their divorce, Marguerite Whitley remained a steadfast supporter of Simpson during his 1995 trial. She testified in his defense, stating that she had never experienced any violence or abuse during their relationship.

A Wealthy Divorcee

Following her divorce from Simpson, Marguerite Whitley retreated to a quiet life with a substantial net worth of over $250,000. She reportedly inherited a portion of Simpson's wealth as part of their divorce settlement.
